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Tips For Saving Money On Your Summer Cooling Bills

If you're like a lot of people, as the mercury rises, so does your anger and frustration when you open your utility bills. The cost of keeping your home cool and comfortable can sometimes be alarming.

adjust-for-webDon't worry, though: it won't be necessary to turn off your AC and sweat out the summer to save on your cooling costs. Here are a few easy-to-follow tips that will help reduce your energy costs and keep you comfortable all summer long.

Adjust Your Thermostat

If you have a programmable thermostat, set it so that the temperature goes up by a few degrees after everyone has gone to sleep at night or when everyone leaves for the day. Then, set it back to the cooler temperature for the time when you get up in the morning or return home in the evening.

This minor adjustment in temperature could save you between 5 and 10% on your cooling costs. If your thermostat isn't programmable, you can do the same thing manually to achieve similar results.

Add Some Landscaping Around Your Home

The heat inside your house mostly comes from the sun beating down on the roof or shining through your windows. If you add some shade trees or shrubs around your home, it will go a long way towards preventing that heat from entering.

If your air conditioning unit is located in a place with direct sunlight, providing it with some shade by planting shrubs or trees around it could improve its efficiency by as much as 10%. Just be sure not to plant them too close, as air circulation around the unit is also very important.

Hang Out in the Basement

Yceiling-fanou probably noticed that your basement is usually at least a few degrees cooler than the rest of the house. That's because cool air is heavier than warm air.

If you and your family spend more time in the basement, you can set your thermostat a few degrees warmer since your AC won't have to work as hard to keep it cool down there.

Ceiling Fans

If you have ceiling fans, use them. Much of the discomfort that comes with high heat is the stillness of the air. The displacement of the air cools the skin by evaporating sweat from its surface. With a ceiling fan running, you could raise the temperature on your thermostat by 3 or 4° and be equally comfortable.

It's important to note, though, that ceiling fans make you feel cooler but don't actually lower the temperature in the room. Therefore, it's best to turn ceiling fans off when the room is vacant to reduce energy consumption.

If you follow these tips, you'll enjoy a cool and comfortable summer in your Manchester, NH home, while saving money on your cooling costs. For more energy saving tips and products, contact the home comfort experts at Skovron Mechanical Services LLC. at (603) 922-4037.